Welcome to TzKT Profiles
Here you can verify and edit your public profile on TzKT Tezos Explorer.
Sign in with your wallet to customize its logo, name, description, contacts, and more.
1. Sign in
Connect a wallet and sign a message to prove ownership of the account you want to edit.
2. Edit profile
Provide public information you want to be associated with your Tezos account: logo, name, description and contacts.
3. Wait for approval
Wait up to 72 hours while we check your application to ensure it doesn't contain NSFW or restricted content.
4. Done!
From now your TzKT profile is visible to everyone on TzKT Explorer and publicly available to everyone via TzKT API.
You need to connect your wallet and sign a message, then you will be able to fill your profile with your data.
No, that's absolutely free for everyone!
All applications are being moderated. The time varies from a couple of hours to three days.
In addition to being displayed on our site, your profile will be reflected on all resources that use the TzKT API.
Even easier than to create it: connect your wallet, choose your profile, press the “Edit” button and change whatever you want!
This may be caused by your browser's cache. If so, you need to clear your browser cache to solve the issue.
Currently, you need to delete or change the profile name of your old account and verify a new one.
Please, notice, you can use the same social links for different profiles, but the profile name has to be unique.
Go to your profile page, switch to "Settings" and click "Add Account" in the "Managers" block.
Note: The added account will be able to change your TzKT profile information at any time.
Connect your wallet, choose your profile, switch to "Settings" and press the "Remove account" button under the "Danger Zone".
But notice, the operation is permanent. All data about your TzKT Profile will be lost and will be matter of review process again.
Logo, profile name and at least one verified link are required. You can either just update them or remove the account completely, following the instruction above.
As simple as any other profile! Just connect a wallet, that originated the smart contract and you’ll be able to make all changes you wish.
Baker’s configuration will be added soon. For now, please contact us to list your baker. Links below.
Contact us via twitter, discord or telegram. You can find all links below.